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"I made Columbus, Georgia my home twenty-four years ago when I had the opportunity to serve our great nation and all its citizens as a soldier. I bring the same mindset to serving you and Georgia as your State Representative. As an independent candidate I'm focused on putting Georgia's interests first and focusing on leadership that unites." Robert Mallard for State Representative.

Visit VOTE FOR  to explore our campaign and where we stand on the issues important to you. Or keep reading to learn more about Robert and his family.

The Mallard's Serve With Pride

Robert, his wife Radiah, and their four children are not new to service, Radiah is a decorated retired Army Officer and his son Christopher, and two daughters Liyah and Naomi have been blessed to serve our country. 


Robert's Heart Belongs to Georgia

Like many of us, Robert's story is deeply intertwined with the state. Over the past 24 years, he has lived, served, loved, and raised a family alongside Georgia's residents. Georgia is more than just a location to the Mallard family; it is where they have built their memories, celebrated successes, and overcome adversities; it is home.

A Leader That Unites

Robert ended his career as an Army Officer at Fort Benning, Georgia (Fort Moore), a recipient of the Bronze Star Medal, and the Samuel Sharp Award for his outstanding service and leadership in combat. An Iraq War veteran, Business Owner, Father and Educator his uniting leadership style has been forged under pressure, in various settings and stems from a desire to serve. 

A Business Owner

Robert understands the challenges of entrepreneurship and the difficulties faced by business owners. With experience in real estate and agriculture, he has firsthand knowledge of the business community's needs. As a Realtor, Broker, and Property Manager, Robert gained a comprehensive understanding of the real estate industry from various perspectives (investors, renters, buyers, sellers & agents). A seasoned real estate professional that can be a valuable advocate for the growth of District 139 and the Columbus area.

Visit VOTE FOR to learn more about the campaigns focus on economic growth.  

A Veteran

He has experienced the challenges that our Veterans face and is committed to advocating for education, access, and support services to ensure that they successfully integrate into stable retirement or new career paths should they so choose. This includes resources for Entrepreneurship, Community Services, or gainful Employment Opportunities where their skills can be best utilized for the good of the community where they live.

Visit VOTE FOR to learn how Robert will represent Georgia's Veteran's.  

A Father of Four

As a father to four children, Robert is committed to family values. He believes that our youth should know that they have more options than just sports and college. He is a strong advocate for promoting technical skills, skilled trades, and entrepreneurship through the cultivation of God-given talents. He is committed to working with the school system to enhance access to training and career paths in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) in District 139.

Let's unite to work for our young men and women, visit VOTE FOR for more information.  

A Special Needs Advocate

As a dedicated father to a special needs adult and a respected figure endorsed by members of the special needs community, Robert is deeply committed to ensuring that necessary support for families and individuals with special needs is readily accessible to all who require it. He firmly believes that assistance delayed (or hidden) is assistance denied.  

Visit VOTE FOR for more info and let's get to work!

Agriculture & Community Work

For over two years Robert has given beekeeping classes to underserved children to expose them to the world of agriculture, more specifically, the importance of bees to our environment and food security with community gardens and urban farming. He is also committed to sharing the therapeutic benefits of beekeeping with fellow Veterans.

A beekeeper since 2020 when his wife Radiah, a graduate of the Heroes to Hives program, introduced him to the world of beekeeping. With the help of Woody O’Connell (Honey I’m Home, Columbus, GA) the two of them embarked on their journey to contribute to the beautification of the Columbus area through beekeeping. After co-founding Foundation Honey Co. with his wife and family, they installed hives at the Victory Garden thanks to the support of Mr. Ronzell Buckner of Turn Around Columbus. 

A Man of Faith

The words in our pledge of allegiance are not simply words, they are a commitment we make to live as “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Through faith in GOD, family, hard work, and dedication, Robert believes you can achieve anything. Robert believes that Ministry starts at home and that parents have a special responsibility in shaping the future of this nation and it is a duty that he does not take lightly. A supporter of our faith and community leaders in their missions to keep us united and our religious liberties protected.



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